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Contact Kauffman Engineering for more information:  sales@kauffmanengineeringwire.com
Kauffman Engineering, Inc. can develop new wiring products or work from a customer's prints and specifications.
For the highest quality and smoothest operation, Kauffman Engineering designs their production tooling and assembly equipment in-house using the most up-to-date CAD technology. When the prototype is approved, Kauffman Engineering’s staff of engineers and production managers double-check every step of the manufacturing procedure. This attention to detail ensures the quality and efficiency of all product designs, materials, and the production method.

Kauffman Engineering is always looking for the most cost-effective, innovative solutions to your wiring needs. From prototypes, single pieces and short runs, to long runs of complex parts. Kauffman Engineering will
manufacture what you need, when you need it, every time.
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