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Kauffman Engineering manufactures thousands of different parts . . . from prototypes and single pieces to long runs of complex parts.
From delicate parts for fiber optics, blood analyzers, and laser printers, to heavy-duty parts for backhoes, farm machinery, logging equipment, and refrigerated storage compartments, Kauffman Engineering will manufacture and deliver the parts that will stand up to the unpredictable environment and pressures of the real world.

Parts may be hot stamped, colored, stripped, and soldered for any 4/0-30 gauge wiring system. Kauffman Engineering has the capacity to handle injection molding, braiding, wire wrapping, wire cutting and stripping, terminating presses and dies, and harness taping and testing.
Contact Kauffman Engineering for more information:  sales@kauffmanengineeringwire.com
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©2007 Kauffman Engineering, Inc.